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"It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me."

Jesus (John 6:45)

The Jesus Strategy

"The first goal of the disciple-maker should be to help people develop the skills of listening to God and learning from Him."

Discovery  Series

The following is a list and description of the Bible series we have developed to help people discover what God has to say to them as they read the Bible. Each series includes up to thirty passages. Discovery Groups typically study one passage per week. 


Discovering Jesus

This series includes a brief overview of the early ministry of Jesus as He revealed Himself and His message to pre-Christians.

(9 passages)


Discovering Peace

Jesus offered peace to those who followed Him. This series looks at how we can gain this peace even in the midst of the troubles we face. (6 passages)


Discovering God -Traditional

Beginning in Genesis, the God of the Bible is presented along with the main characters and stories of the Old Testament, leading to the discovery of Jesus the Messiah. (20 passages)


Discovering God - Postmodern

Similar to the previous series, these passages also move the reader from creation to Christ. This series is developed for secular people from Western cultures. (23 passages)


Discovering the Life of a Disciple

What did Jesus consider most important to teach His new followers? This series explores the principles Jesus expressed to His disciples. (29 passages)


Discovering Church

This study explains the purpose and reason believers are commanded to assemble, leading to a discussion on what they should do when they gather. (19 passages)


Discovering Our Calling

All Christians are called to make disciples. This series shows how Jesus modeled the advancing of His kingdom and taught disciples to do the same. (18 passages)


Discovering Healthy Relationships

How does God view His followers? How do we develop healthy relationships with God, family, and one another? The answers to these questions are explored in this series.  (In Development)



Additional Documents

  • Introducing the Bible   

  • Discovery Group Instructions

Start Here

Where to Begin? 

Begin with an introduction to the Bible, unless everyone in the group is a seasoned Bible student. In most areas of the world, we then move directly to Discovering God - Traditional (2a). However, when working in the United States, we often beginning with a shorter topical series (1a or 1b) and then Discovering God - Postmodern (2b). Discovering God should be followed by Discovering the Life of a Disciple (3).  Study the rest of the series in the order they are listed. You can skip passages to shorten the lessons except the Discovering God (2a and 2b) as each passage builds upon the previous one. (See chart below)


These series are also useful for Christians and may be studied in any order. 

Bible Introduction

+Discovery Process

  • Bible Introduction

  • Discovery Group Instructions

  • Mini Series

    • Discovering Jesus​

    • Discovering Peace

Get to Know


  • Discovering God             -Traditinal


  • Discovering God             -Post Modern​


Learning to be

a Disciple

  • Discovering the Life of a Disciple


  • Discovering Church



Making Disciples +Growing in Christ

  • Discovering Our Calling


  • Discovering Healthy Relationships


  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

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