What was Jesus’ core message?
Most Christians don’t know the answer to this question. Most of us were never taught how to speak with our neighbors about the Kingdom of God. The Jesus Strategy offers a practical guide to learn how to share Jesus’ good news in the way He taught His followers. By taking a fresh look at familiar stories, we will see how Jesus’ brilliant strategy is laid out in the gospel accounts. You will be challenged to consider a different approach to both evangelism and discipleship. The Jesus Strategy will show you how to experience the joy of applying Jesus’ principles of making more fruitful Kingdom disciples, who then make other disciples.
Tom says, “I contend that Jesus’ ways don’t make sense to many Christians.” By taking us on a journey through Jesus’ own words, Tom explains this statement by removing the Western filters we put on well-trodden Bible stories and suggesting a fresh reading that connects with the multiplicative nature of Jesus’ life and teaching.
This book is to be read with a group of holy dissatisfied Western followers of Jesus. It is a manual of revolution to bring heaven to earth. Buy it, read it, practice it, give it away, and watch God do something amazing.
-Roy Moran
Author of Spent Matches: Igniting a Signal Fire for the Spiritually Dissatisfied